Using the timeline

Hi @runen1,
If you take a look at the Design Trends example created by Intuiface - it shows ways to use parallax with the linear converter.

To me, the linear converter is one of the best tools - especially for timelines. You can literally create your own timeline graphically and better control the movement of everything.

I have an example of one here: Touch Screen Kiosk Features - YouTube

There’s some other stuff in that video too - but the first part shows a timeline. I have slider on the bottom which is bound to the whole background and the dates flying across the bottom. Then over the dates, I have invisible rectangles. When the slider is “dropped on” an invisible rectangle, it sets the position of the slider to that point. So you can move the slider and have it ‘snap’ to each date. Then I have buttons come down that are also bound to the slider, depending on where it is overall.

The linear converter takes a bit to get used to, but after you get the hang of it, it makes everything and cool-looking.