Introducing the 10 most popular links!

Hi, community!

Let me share the 10 most popular links shared in the community forum in 2018.
The badge “Popular Link” is granted to those members when a link they shared gets more than 50 clicks (So one can get more than 1 badge). Thanks for posting a useful link that added interesting context to the conversation!

  1. Hardware recommendations (pc and screens) by Louie_Smith

  2. Trigger Video with Motion Sensor by melvyn_br

  3. [Solved] How to interact with 360 media and Matterport models by tosolini

  4. Object recognition by colm.mulvey

  5. Trigger Video with Motion Sensor by mauricio

  6. Calculate area of a rectangle by tosolini

  7. Using the timeline by AlexB

  8. Object recognition by martin

  9. Help Finding “Correct” URL’s for API Explorer by AlexB

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