Need some help finding a Motion Sensor that I can use to trigger an action (play video). Any recommendations?
Need some help finding a Motion Sensor that I can use to trigger an action (play video). Any recommendations?
Hi Alex,
The earlier versions of Intuiface had the support for the kinect sensor. However, they’ve stopped support on this now. To use it now you will have to download the ifd files from github. More info on this can be found here -
Hope this helps.
Not motion sensor, but better:
You can detect audience and trigger videos based on gender / age / attention, etc
Phidgets have a wide variety of sensor options that have the capability to plug in to Intuiface. We used magnetic sensors to trigger events in a trade show setting last year. Check their available sensors for sale and see if anything suits your needs!
I second @jacob suggestion to consider Phidgets. We used them to detect presence nearby a digital table and they worked quite well. The items we ordered were: Sharp Distance Sensor (10-80cm), the IR Distance Adapter and PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8.
Hello Guys,
Thank you all for your suggestions. I ordered the 8/8/8 InterfaceKit and sensors from Phidgets and they are working great!
Thank you guys for all your answers!
And yes, I’d go to with the Phidgets for your scenario. More info can be found in this article.
Are Phidget devices other than the RFID readers are unsupported now or will the GitHub content still allow for things like motion detecting?
IntuiFace supports 2 kinds of phidgets at 2 different levels:
As far as we know, the sensors still work