Web brower resize when tapped


Je souhaite mettre une map de google et pouvoir l’agrandir lorsqu’on la touche, j’ai essayé les triggers mais meme en mettant “resize to factor” cela ne fonctionne pas. Par contre lorsque je fais apparaitre les icones d’agrandissement/réduction et que je clique dessus cela fonctionne.

Merci d’avance de votre aide

Ive tried to add a map from google and maximizing it by clicking/touching it, ive used triggers but even when i select “resize to factor” it doesn’t work.
On the other hand, when i make appear maximize/reducing icons it works when i click on them.

Thank you in advance for your help

If I understood your issue, selecting “map pan and zoom” as the interaction mode should resolve the issue.


Sorry ive tried and it did not solve the problem. For example, on the same page i have a video asset, ive set up triggers as “when video is touched then toggle maximize” and it works, when i click on the video the size is maximized

When i do the same for web browser asset (google map) it doesn’t work.

Please see the captures screens


The web-page within the browser will absorb the touch interpreting it as an action on the actual web-page. For your scenario to work you can either set “is double-tapped” as a trigger on the web browser asset or trigger the action from another asset, such as a button.