Using the timeline

All good stuff from @Seb
I tend to use transparent and image buttons wherever possible and shy away from the “When item is Tapped”. Good catch. True about infrared as well - every screen technology has their drawbacks.

I used the transparent button. Now it works perfectly. Even if it’s near the corner. It’s about 2 inches big on my screen so people should be able to hit that. Don’t you think @Seb ?

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I do, but only tests on the real hardware will give you the answer.

Hint: ask someone else than you to use your XP on the touch screen. You’ll be surprised how inventive a “monkey user” can be when it comes to “touching a screen” with a “finger” :smile:

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Well, the mayor opened it, that didn’t go too well with for example the PDF book. But I told him that this is something the kids understand, not mayors :slight_smile:
But I totally agree. Same counts for storytelling in videos, an intended story can be totally misunderstood when you show it to someone else.

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