Using the QR Code Interface Asset

The QR code Interface Asset (IA) is an “off-the-shelf” component of IntuiFace permitting the encoding of a given string into a QR code that is then automatically rendered on screen.

The input parameter of this Interface Asset is the text to be encoded. Although typically used to encode URLs, any text string can be processed.

Any IntuiFace user can modify the visual representation of the QR Code IA. This visual representation - specified by a data template - can access and manipulate any of the properties listed later in this article

The QR Code IA delivers:

  • Two properties:

  • Text to encode, text containing the URL or text to be encoded as a QR code

  • Generated QR code path, text containing the full path to the QR code image - a .png file - on your local filesystem. This value includes the name of the .png file itself and thus it can be used as the content value for an Image asset through binding.

  • Set Text to encode, sets the value of the Text to encode action parameter as the text to encode.

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To add to Anastasia’s, the new, soon-to-come IntuiFace release will bring a TinyURL Interface Asset to generate shorter URL. These URLs are more convenient for QRcode by rendering them with less “pixels”, thus improving “mobile code capture” from a longer distance.

The new release will also come with a nice alternative to QR Code: Beacon Eddystone-URL (more details here - “The URL Notification scenario”).


This is a fairly old User Community post on a still very popular subject. Here’s a quick recap and update.

  • The QR Code Interface Asset is a Windows-only interface asset that can convert any text - including URLs - into a QR code. The QR code design is not configurable.
  • For any platform other than Windows and/or to control QR code design for any platform including Windows, there are a couple of options
    • Use the API of a third-party QR code generation service like this one from goQR to create and retrieve a QR code while the Intuiface experience is running. This approach is preferable if you don’t know what you will be encoding until after deployment.
    • Use a third-party QR code generation service like this one from Adobe to create QR codes outside of Intuiface and then add them into your experience using Composer. This approach is possible if you know what you will be encoding before deployment.

Note that an Off-the-shelf version of the QRCode Generator will soon be available in Player for non-Windows platforms (aka Player Next Gen).
If you can wait for its official release, just dm me :wink: