TUIO Interface Asset broken in Next Gen Player

Has anyone gotten the TUIO Interface Asset to work with the next gen player? I am working on an updated version of a project from last year that worked excellent all year long but when I hit play to test my work with the recommended TUIO simulator Next Gen Player doesn’t react to or seemingly see the simulator at all. Everything still works if I roll back to the Classic Player so I will do this if no solution is found but I would rather use the Next Gen Player if possible.

Hi @sam2 and welcome to the Intuiface community.

The TUIO Interface Asset is written in .NET, thus indeed only available for Player Classic.

As Player 8 (aka Next Gen) uses TypeScript Interface Assets, and TUIO relies on OSC / UDP packets, we can’t create a TUIO Interface Asset for Player 8.

The only alternative would be to create some kind of middleware in the language of your choice that would listen to TUIO events and forward them to Player using web-friendly protocols such as Web Sockets.

Can you tell us which hardware you are planning to use besides the TUIO Simulator?


Hi @Seb,

My final experience will be on an Interactive Scape table, specifically a Scape® Pro. Unfortunately based on your insights even if I could get the table working with the tangibles I think Player Classic is what I need as I will also be using the UDP Communications IA to send OSC messages to other devices on my network which sounds like it also won’t work with the Next Gen Player.


Thanks for sharing this info.

For Interactive Scape, we do have a TypeScript version of the TUIO Interface Asset that works with their device, using their Web Socket implementation of TUIO.

Although, as you figured out, if you need to use the UDP Communication IA, you will need to stick to Player classic indeed, for the same reasons mentioned above (.NET IA + can’t send UDP messages from JavaScript / TypeScript without a Node Server)

Let us know if you have any other questions on that topic.
