Thank you to seb and all intuiface techs

I wanted to give a warm shout-out to @Seb for all of his consistently amazing help. Recently he helped troubleshoot a rather tiny edge case that caused major issues for many of our displays. We were desperate to find help and we didn’t know if the bug was in Intuiface or another software we use. Needless to say, Seb took the time to analyze the issue and find it’s cause. It turns out it wasn’t an Intuiface error at all, but we had all we needed to report back to our other database software to help them fix their glitch. Plus work-around was released in the most recent Composer patch.

I believe Seb brought in some other techs to look at the situation as well. I’m not exactly sure who was all helping behind the scenes, but thank you all dearly for your help and support. It’s because of your hard work that you make people like me look good in front of our clients. Thank you Thank you Thank you!


Hi Alex,

Thanks for your kind message. I followed this support thread (mostly as a spectator) and I confirm that some members of the french Dev team helped Seb diagnosing and solving the issue. One of the most amazing part was that the issue was just not reproducible from France as the WS (Web Service) involved in the issue just did not reply the same way than in the US… Seb being now based in Chicago was especially helpful for the dev team too!



Yes, that made it even more difficult since the issue would only respond in the US. Truly odd. So glad it’s fixed now, thanks to such an awesome support team.


I agree! Seb and crew offer the best Customer Service I have ever seen in a software company. Bar none!
They have performed similar above-and-beyond-the-call-of-duty acts of kindness for me too. This consistent behavior reveals what a class act the whole IntuiFace team (and product) is!