Share wish

Sharing an Experience is good. However, if only I can add a comment in addition to just the email, it will be better.

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It would be good if there was a way to add a comment to a specific scene for example scenario one: You have just completed an experience, you would now want to share the experience you have created to your client VIA the share URL, currently when doing so if the client wants to make changes to the experience it either has to be done by Email or a Call. It would be great if you could share the experience via the share URL and have the ability to add comments to a specific scene within the experience.

I suppose similar to how powerpoint works when adding notes to a page?

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Kind Regards


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@ahmed Great idea! :slight_smile:

Hi @ahmed,

You can already add a “comment” (=“description”) in the Sharing console before sharing the XP with an account. This description will be in the email.

Does this answer your original question?


@Seb, While that is AWESOME (I didn’t know that was there!), I’m taking from what @Promultis was saying was we’d like an ability to have a space where clients can write down their changes when you’ve sent them a rough draft. This would be great, esp. if you are making an XP for a client who is in a city a couple hours’ drive from you; it would save a drive! I’ve usually had video conference calls so I can screenshare and show the latest version and get their responses live, but in a pinch, it’d be nice to have a feature where the clients can put in their comments, a la PowerPoint.

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I think it needs to work the other way around, so for example the user is viewing the experience and they can make comments on the experience they have viewed scene by scene.

Kind Regards

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You can build that with some text inputs / groups and a toggle to display them or not while in play mode :wink:

Seb, I think you are maybe getting confused. :facepunch::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::microphone:

For example you create an experience in composer and you publish and share the experience to client via the share URL feature.

The client clicks the link and downloads the experience and it goes straight into play mode, it would be good for the user to add comments under each scene for example, once those comments are addded they are updated in the MC under the experience which would have a comment section for example. Then you could take those comments and adjust the XP and repeat the process.

I think that is what me and @megan are on about.

Kind Regards


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@Seb I did a quick mockup (so pardon the crudeness!) of what a function might look like; I learn visually, I don’t know if you do, but hopefully. :wink: Is this sort of what you were thinking, @Promultis?

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Correct, there needs to be a two way communication. @Seb Please see Megans illustration.

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Thx @megan for the illustration.

On the left side, these notes are the one that a user would receive via email if you share the experience with him, as I described above.

On the right side, those are the ones that could be added within the experience, available in play mode with a “add a comment” button. Before he exits the experience (UX design todo), you could ask him if he wants to send his comments, then gather them in an Excel / an email body and send it back to you.

I know it’s not what @Promultis has in mind, but it’s doable today :wink:


@Seb I have been using the same glassed for over 20 years. Time to change them. Thank you very much for showing me that there exists something the describes what I am sharing. Sorry for the late reply.

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