Scratch Card design accelerator not working

I am running the composer on a Windows-based computer. I am trying to use the scratch card accelerator; however, when I try to play it in the composer, I get an error message saying “Asset ‘ScratchCard’ is not currently supported”. As far as I know, I have it set up correctly according to this help page.

Any suggestions?

Hello @valerie,

I have tested the ScratchCard design accelerator and it is working properly, see attached GIF:


Make sure you are using the current version of Composer, 7.5.3. If you are and still have issue I would suggest submitting a ticket to us via our support channel, on there we will ask you to send us some diagnostic information from your device.


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Thank you for your help. I am running Composer 7.5.3 and my setup is just like yours. I will submit a ticket.
Thank you

Hi Valerie,

The Scratch Card is only supported on Windows technology, in Composer please make sure you have selected “Simulate Player on Windows”, and not “all other devices” such as Web. The technology is not supported for other devices.


Kind regards,