Scene Structure Panel Missing in Intuiface 7 Composer

All was fine the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on my experience with no issue, but as of yesterday my Scene Structure Panel is totally missing in action! I toggle show/hide but I can’t find this window anywhere… docked nor undocked. All of the other windows are visible and working properly.

I relaunched several times, checked for updates, nothing has fixed it. I am running Intuiface on Parallels Windows 10. I made sure that also was updated and restarted as well. :thinking:

Is anyone else having this happen to them? It’s hugely frustrating.

Hi @ckimmey and welcome to the Intuiface community!

Did you try to reset your workspace from the Window menu?


To get the best answers from the Intuiface team on such questions, you might want to contact our support team instead of this user community if you have any other issues of that kind.

Hi @Seb, aha! There it is. Thank you so much!

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