Scene size and design accelerators

I am developing an app for Ipad minis, so the size of my scene is quiet small. I have imported on my scene the image curtain design accelerator. Of course, it’s not the right size, but there is no way I can get that module to fit properly in my scene because of all the properties on X and Y… Unfortunately there is no documentation on this specific module, has anybody tried to import the image curtain module in a smaller scene ?
Also, I was wondering if I can create like 5 diffrent projects, and then add them all together in one and only project ? (I am using the free version).

Thanks !


I had a look at the image curtain and you have a few converters to update in the bindings.
I guess your iPad mini has a resolution of 1024 x 768
In a few words, replace the following values in all converters you find:

  • 960 (which was 1920 / 2) with 512 (= 1024 / 2)
  • 1920 with 1024
  • 1440 (= 1920 * 3/4) with 768 (=1024 *3/4)

and adjust the image sizes.