Reverse layer order

It would be nice to reverse the layer order.

As a photoshop, after effects, illustrator user, i’m used to that the toplayer is actually the toplayer.

In composer the toplayer is at the bottom and the bottomlayer is at the top in the layer overview.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

So it would be nice to reverse it or make it a choice in preferences.


I would love it too, working like this in IF it’s being a HUGE headache.
“Its just question of time to get used to it”, BUT, IF is just one of many tools I’ve work with.
The whole graphic sw environment is using top-to-bottom layering, just follow the wave guys (Y)!

Best, Ihnder

Let’s vote here and pass the wish to our product team!

  • I’d find it useful to be able to reverse the order of layers
  • I don’t think it’s necessary

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