Preview of Intuiface Version 6.6.1

Exclusively for those smart enough to join and participate in our User Community, we’ve decided to share a look at the release scheduled to launch sometime early next week. Let’s call it 29-September and then see how it goes. :wink:

What goodies will you find inside?

  • Improved touch management in Player on Windows and Composer’s Play Mode. You’ll notice it in things like better rendering for the drawing tools.
  • Support for display walls comprised of individual touch screens (instead of having a single, large touch overlay). Here’s looking at you, DISPLAX.
  • New Text Concatenation Interface Asset that can take up to 12 inputs and spit out a single text string. Should make things like URL construction for QR codes much simpler.
  • Introduction of support for BrightSign JavaScript objects. By doing so, BrightSign users can now enable their Intuiface experiences so send CEC commands to a display and work with I/O devices connected via GPIO, Serial Ports, Datagrams, and more.
  • Addition of support for Apple’s audio codec m4a and video codec m4v in Player on Windows.
  • Addition of LG webOS to the list of platforms we support for batch Player activation
  • Addition of “local time” as a filter option for chart data in Intuiface Analytics. This makes it possible to aggregate data for the same time of day across multiple time zones in a single chart. (For example, average number of interactions between 8am and 9am, regardless of location.)
  • Ever notice how, when switching focus from one asset to another asset of the same type while in Composer’s Edit Mode, the Properties panel could jump to a different category? Not any more!
  • Lots of bug fixes, including my favorite - a better quality image in the Intuiface installer! (I wasn’t supposed to mention that but I’ve been asking for it.)

Now, can you exhibit the patience and discipline necessary for awaiting this shiny release? Make us proud!