I try to use eyefactive appsuite the marker feature it can work with my dell monitor and with my diy marker but me and my designer really love intuiface. I dont know how different in programming but if intuiface can have the marker feature like appsuite that’s the best thing of ther years for me.
I think you need the middleware, i dont think that the OSC will work. Are you sure its not just a simulator.
Kind Regards
Osctouchobject can work with other software (like below on this page https://www.instructables.com/id/Object-Interaction-With-Touchscreens/) but for appsuite i can use without middleware i just use buildin marker option in their sofware.
Kind Regards,
What library did you install i am getting an error when opening the solution.
May be this GitHub - nneonneo/ofxWin8Touch: Windows 8 touch driver for OpenFrameworks using WM_POINTER events Sorry i dont know too much about coding
I think the best thing to do, is for us to develop something or add in the driver support into our middleware like i have suggested before but there will be a charge for doing so.
Please have a look here.
I m ok for doing this way. Can i know cost for developing this? (Peerapon.lee@gmail.com)
Can we setup a teamviewer session so we can test our middleware is this possible?
Kind Regards
Haha sorry:sweat_smile:
Hi @Promultis,
Sorry for the late answer. The Dell is a PCAP screen, only sending touch through HID (no TUIO) so I’m not sure I correctly understand your question.
If you want to tell me more about how your middle could work with such a PCAP screen, drop me a pm.
Hi, Louie
Now i have other solution for us the first thing is now i got used 3m monitor from my client (3M Multi-Touch C2254PW ) it is possible to use with your middle ware? And second solution is i decide to or der displax ultra touch foil with their object but i don’t know their middleware(displax connect) are support with intuiface object recognition asset. Have you ever try or know that?
Kind regards,
Hi Tui,
All of our products are Object Recognition ready.
Here is a PCAP product which works perfectly.
Kind Regards
Thank you very much Louie,
For model PM-TS43A can support object recognition? Or need PM1050 ? How different between object recognition on pcap and intrared it big different? If we plan to use only 3 object.
I try to find touch foil from promultis but not found on pricelist. Do you have touch foil? Our client concern about tv it will better if we cand use some part in local.
Kind regards,
Hi Tui,
Yes our lightning screens can support Object Recognition, Either of those devices work with Intuiface and are fully supported by Promultis, We can even print the markers to your specific requirement. We use all commercial grade TV’s so they are built to last.
Kind Regards
Thank you very much Louie now i’m just waiting quotation from promultis.