Now live: PWA deployments and Player licensing for Player Next Gen

We’ve got a couple of meaty updates to Player Next Gen that have just gone live.

  1. You can now deploy experiences as a Progressive Web App.
    Every Intuiface experience deployed as a webpage can now be converted into a Progressive Web App, or PWA. This means it’ll look and run like any other app on the device where it was created. Best of all, it can run offline. PWA deployments consume a Player license, which brings us to our other launch news.
  2. Both webpage and PWA deployments can use Player Licensing.
    This isn’t exactly news for PWA deployments as it was always the plan, but it’s a really big deal for web deployments. Originally, the only license option for web deployments was Views Licensing.
    The benefit was you didn’t need to know the size of your audience or the potential device count, you just needed enough views. The downside was the device running the webpage had to be online at all times. By giving you the option of using in-venue Player licenses, your web deployments can run in offline environments for a predefined duration. Of course, it also means you’ll need an additional Player license for each device on which you open the URL. You’ve got some decisions to make!

The links you see above refer to new/updated Help Center articles about PWAs and the Player/Views licensing options. We’ve also published another article named " Maximizing performance of web and Progressive Web App (PWA) deployments" that you might find interesting.

Player Next Gen has not officially shipped but we are giving all interested parties access so they can start trying it out. (You still have to buy Player/Views licenses!) Like to get your hands on Player Next Gen? Let us know!