JSON Filtering / Dynamic Parameter

For our Planetarium and Cinema we thinking about using Intuiface for display the showtimes on our signage screens. From our ticketing management system we can get an json file (runs fine with the api asset).
URL: https://www.verkehrshaus.ch/system/api/ds/screenings/1,13,50,58,67,73,96?from=2024-06-23&to=2024-06-23

What we need:

  • Filtering the entries for the actually day → this is a available parameter in the url (fromt/to), but has to been set to “today”
  • Only display the shows, who starts later than now (time) → filtering by time

Is there a way to build it into Intuiface?

Hello @bruno.arnold,

To set this up in your experience you will need to also include the Clock interface asset.

Add the API using API Explorer, then use a Set Asset Properties action on the API interface asset and choose Set from and bind this value to the ISO 8601 Date from the Clock interface asset.

In this example the action is on a timer has elapsed trigger on the scene, with this it will apply the Set from value when the scene loads.

If you will not be navigating into the scene with the showtimes then I would suggest also adding the Set Asset Properties action to the iso 8601 date changed trigger on the Clock interface asset. That way it will update the from value as the date changes.

If you need anymore assistance with this I would suggest reaching out to us via our support channel, and we can assist you there.


Hi @bruno.arnold,

To complete my colleague’s answer, this all depends if your ticketing management system API supports filtering by date AND time.
As Ryan mentioned, if you want our team to help you further with this topic, please open a ticket on our support platform and send us the documentation of your ticketing system API so we can look into it.



Thank Ryan an Seb!
The API does’nt support filtering by date AND time, every call delivers all entries of the date range. It would be helpful using filters for such API’s like using Excel as a database.