January 16, 2019, 8:13pm
Hi there,
I am looking for a San Fran based programmer to make some edits to an already built interface. They will need to quickly turnaround these edits and be available on Jan 23rd in San Fran for on the ground support.
Let me know if anyone has any leads. Thanks!
I am not from San Fran, but i can definitely help with building the experience for you.
Kind Regards
We also have 2 LA based Intuiface Experts. (I know it’s not just around the corner but if you are looking for someone closer…)
Interactive design cafe
Studio 56 productions @art
January 17, 2019, 4:03pm
Hi @mia happy to help with your project. Available to discuss anytime, send me a PM with details and we can connect to discuss.
Hi, i too am not from SF…but can definitely help you and also am available during these work hours.