Information about Memory game and show casa "Waiting room Interactive Table"

Hi community, I had two topics to ask you.

1 question. In the Memory game, is it possible to associate each correct pair with a corresponding audio? The goal would be to have dedicated audio for each couple.

2 question. Within the Intuiface examples there is an experience called “Wainting room interactive table”. I wanted to ask you if it was possible to have the composer of that experience and not just the play mode

Thanks so much for your help

Hi @federica.gabrieli,

I saw you also contacted us via our support platform where Ryan got back to you.

For our community users, I’ll paste his answer here in case someone comes up with the same question about the Memory Game.

Question 1: Yes this is possible. Here is a way to do this:

  1. Add a Global Variable to the experience, I named it Match Value

  2. Add an is scrolled trigger to the Flip Chart collection with the action to set value on the Match Value global variable and bind the value to the Value item from the Memory Game interface asset

  1. Add a conditional selected cards are matching trigger to the Memory Game interface asset. Set the condition to Value of Match Value equals 0 and then set the action to play the unique audio for that Match Value. Repeat this step for each match value 0-5 changing the equals value and then the appropriate audio.

Note the Match Value starts at 0, so with a total of six matches the final value will be 5.