Presently when loading assets from an asset grid populated with a data source the assets have very restricted functionality I.E. Close. There is no pin, no annotate, no maximise. You can just move it around which is no good for me. If you add a website directly to the asset grid, it drags and drops and shows the pinnable and other functions fine, the same thing happens with PDFs.
I use the folder feature a lot in my experiences to enable flexibility so this is an obvious oversight for me and something which I feel should be resolved. Would anyone else like to see this?
my assets are currently not stored in the project file structure as there are a lot of folders and dynamic content that changes regularly this wouldn’t be ideal so I have a different solution
Currently i have a C# piece of code that returns the files from a folder that matches a certain file type, i have put a data template into the asset collection which, right now is just an image, or a video, or a pdf or a website depending on which asset collection I am looking at. These objects however don’t display like the data type thye are meant to be as they don’t have annotate, or they aren’t pinnable so are you saying that I need to try and add these things manually some how?