I work a lot with scenarios where I need to customize my experiences to meet the needs of several of my business units at any given time. I’m constantly having to grab multiple entire experiences and combine them into one single experience (and no customized experience is ever really the same twice).
It’d REALLY help speed things up and streamline my workflow if there was a way developed that you could open an experience and import all the scenes from another experience all at once. Either that, or be able to hold down shift and select multiple scenes from one experience to be copied…in order to be pasted into another experience’s scene structure.
As it stands right now, a user (at least to my knowledge) has to copy and paste scenes from one experience to another one single scene at a time.
I’m not sure you are aware but here’s a quicker solution to copying scenes, You could add all the scenes into a sequence and then right click and copy the sequence and paste the sequence into the new XP. This will save you having to do them one by one.
I’m working a project that has English and Spanish. All of the copy is stored in an excel sheet along with critical experience functional data. I’m wondering if there’s a way to make a copy of this scene and paste it into a new scene which will also make a copy of the excel sheet so I don’t have to re-bind everything when I change the new excel sheet to Spanish.
I’m afraid there’s no way to such a copy & paste with both the scene content and duplicating an Excel source. You’ll have to apply the bindings on your new Excel source.
BTW, did you have a look at Create a multi-language experience using Excel article? Could it be another option for you, avoiding to duplicate scenes?
Unfortunately, I don’t thing the article helps. To many direct bindings. I will definitely keep it in mind for future projects. Something like that could come in really handy!