Excel won’t be the proper asset to use in order to achieve this type of list and display as we usually use filtering to discriminate elements for a “category” (generic word).
In your case, number of Companies may vary, same with number of details (may be 1 or 2, or more I guess) and the details.
Once it’s done, just fire your API Explorer, use the URL in it and create an Asset from the json file.
If you drag’n drop this asset on your scene and after a minute of layouting, you’ll end up with this :
This sample will allow you to display every data. There is no filtering on JSON client side.
If you want to filter, Excel is the way to go, but I need more details on you exactly want as I don’t understand exactly.
What do you want to see in your experience, based on what criteria ?
All Companies for a specific Theme? Themes for one specific Company?
I could use more details.