Looking for a quick and experienced freelance to make a project in 3 days.
Please send me some work samples if you’re available in the next few days to take his kind of project
Thx a lot
Hi @itamaraharoni,
Sounds like you’re in a rush! I may be able to help depending on what you need. Could you send me the details at alex@realeyesdisplays.com? I’m happy to take a look and at least provide some insight.
I have a quick post about me here: 10+ Years Digital Display Experience Available For Hire - Opportunities - Intuiface Community
My experts page is here:Intuiface Gold Expert | RealEyes Displays | United States
My website is www.realeyesdisplays.com
If I can’t help you, there are certainly some great designers here as well!
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Thx a lot Alex
I’ll send you the info asap
itamaraharoni, can you send me more information on your project?
Hi Ita,
Sent you a PM.
Thx a lot