Hang in there ... takes for ever!

Your payment has been submitted for processing.
Hang in there…

How many hours it takes ? :slight_smile:

Hi @rqs136 Did your payment go through yet? If not, could you please make a support request about this here? https://support.intuiface.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Hi @rqs136 it normally just takes a couple of seconds :wink:

So if your payment has not gone through, please contact support about this as Bomee suggested and make sure you precise the email adress you’ve been using to try to make the purchase.

Many thanks,


It taking a couple of hours now :stuck_out_tongue:

Should I pay twice ? lol

I did and I cant wait longer its emergency case …,

The support team will inestigate your case.
Did you mention which email adress you were trying to make the purchase with?

Seems like the payment went through. Thank you so much for the patience!

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yaaa lol I had to try again NICE!

HAHA I didn’t have time for that I just payed :smiley:

Why I cant play my composer in another pc in the same time ?


@rqs136 the license is per concurrent user and it’s actually written in the pricing page. you can us your license on different devices but not at the same time.

I have 2 large multitouch screens I have to play both my projects on them give me a solution please

onne person has 2 multitouch screens what he can do ?

Did I just refer to myself as a third person :confused:


Intuiface Composer is designed to build experiences. It embeds a player so that you can preview the resulted creation, however it is not meant to be used for continuously running your final project in production.

For delivering your final experience to grand public, you should use Intuiface Player instead. Please see the pricing page for more details about Player licenses.


Got it Thanks for your time .


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Glad to be of assistance :slight_smile: