Direct iPad or tablets preview

Hi, all,
I don’t know if this feature exists yet.
To make a touchscreen preview, tablet compatible ( I don’t have an external touchscreen for Windows 10 or a Surface Pro) I have to publish the presentation on web, then pick my iPad, then test the final result.
I’d like to have a direct connection between the Composer and the tablet.
If you say that is possible to do with Android tablets I will buy one.
I understand iOS restrictions but I would like to have an immediate feedback and don’t waste my time publishing every modification.


Hi Gabriele,

Direct preview on tablets from Composer already exist. You can read this article on how to do it :

Yes, I know but using Composer with Parallels on my Mac it doesn’t work.

I put the right ip address that’s (my iMac ip) and I read on my iPad the following message:
"Unable to find a running experience"
Through the Intuiface Configuration Tool Remote Actions is set to port 8000.
On my iMac the firewall is disabled.
Also if I disable the firewall on Windows 10 too nothing happens.


The virtual machine on Parallels may have a different IP address than you mac network adapter, you should try to bridge the connections. Have a look at the following parallels article for more details KB Parallels: Network modes in Parallels Desktop for Mac


Ok I did it!
it’s was not easy because I had to set the Network to “wi-fi” board, then set a static ip on the same subnet mask and gateway.
The default Parallels settings have a shared network on the Intel nic adapter, it’s not ok for Composer and the shared things.
