Creating interactive eLearning Class with Intuiface

I am wondering if anyone has been able to create an interactive elearning class with Intuiface? I would like to be able to have a user sign in and then track their progress through the class. This would primarily run on tablets, but would also need to run on large monitors, PCs, etc. In this case, the class would involve running a series of videos and images attached to buttons to guide a user through steps for cleaning and turning over an hospital OR for next surgery. There may be multiple choice buttons and if they use choose wrong, they would see a “test help” screen to guide them to the correct path. I am thinking I could somehow use the Data Analytics to track the users and then receive a certificate of completion if successfully navigated. I would also like to see things like dependencies, where a user would have to view an entire video, or choose correct image, before unlocking the next element(s) and progressing further in the class.
I have been doing eLearning in healthcare for many years, and there has always been a need for more interactive/hands-on classes to help with retention. I believe Intuiface is an ideal platform for this, and trying to get started. Too, it would be nice to not have to program too much in javascript (anotherwords, make it relatively easy to create these classes).
Thanks for any experience you may have had with this. I will be sure to share what I come up with too.

Hi Ron,

We do have several users that create “learning-oriented XPs”, although they might not include all the features of a fully-fledged e-learning platform (login, progress tracking, certificate deliveries, …)

For these kinds of projects, in my opinion, the main questions are “how far do you want to go” and “what is going to be the brains of the system”?

If I try to break down my understanding of your needs here:

  • User login
  • Progress tracking
  • Course / Lesson / Quiz itself
  • Certificate delivery

User login

  • Do you already have a user database?
    • If yes, what kind of API does it offer?
    • if no, will you use Intuiface H-CMS or something else?
  • Is the data & login mechanism secure?

Progress tracking

  • Do you already have a back end / database / CRM to handle that tracking?
    • If yes, what kind of API does it offer?
    • If no, since you can’t yet write data dynamically in H-CMS, what 3rd party solution would you want to use?
      • Assuming you’ll need some kind of “admin view” of that progress, it needs to be able to have a good and flexible API, so Intuiface Data Tracking is not really adapted to that use case.

Course / Lesson / Quiz itself

It can be pretty easy to create a Multiple-Choice Questionnaire in Intuiface, see our examples here.

Adding / specific rules like “the user must watch the video entirely before going to the next step” will always remove genericity from an Experience. It’s all about finding the right balance between Generic/Scalable/Easy to reuse and Customization/Specific behaviors

Certificate delivery

Is it something official or not?
How secure is that process?
Is the certificate delivered by the Intuiface XP of “the brains”, aka the backend system behind all this?


Can you build such a platform with Intuiface: probably, yes.
Will you need something else than Intuiface to handle the backend / data storage / progress tracking: until we release a feature to enable writing data in an H-CMS base from an XP, yes, you will need a 3rd party solution here.
My first thoughts would be something like Airtable as it’s a platform I have the most experience with, but other users like @AlexB would probably suggest something else like Knack.

Does Intuiface have an off-the-shelf example that would do all of the above: unfortunately, no. There are too many variables / specifics to these needs that I believe it can’t be a “one size fits all” solution.

If you wish to discuss this further, send me an email and we can talk about it.


Thanks for the mention, @Seb.
I’ve probably built pieces of what @ron described above, and Knack can certainly handle a fair amount of the data integration, especially with some new tools released. Intuiface can work wonders for the user experience, but it does require some planning.

I’m happy to connect on a Zoom as well, even just to provide some direction and showcase some ideas.

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Thank you for jumping in Alex. Yes, I would like to get on a Zoom call with you. I have taken a look at Knack but really have not dug into it too deeply yet. Using Intuiface in the eLearning space has been a goal of mine for several years now. Finally have an opportunity and a backer to develop something cool. I will email @seb with some answers to his questions and copy you as well.


Great! I just sent you a private message with my info so we can get in touch. Looking forward to talking through some ideas!