In advance, thanks for any advice you have to offer.
Functionality: I am looking to create an interface that combines multiple documents into one streamlined display.
Let’s say on document one I need their: name, address and date of birth.
On document two I need their: name, address and social security number
On document three I need their: name, date of birth and phone number
Vision: I want to create an interface that allows for the user to only fill in their name, address, dob, social security number and phone number and have it autofill into all the correct forms. I then want it to save the forms as PDFs and email them to two different email addresses.
Is it possible to program this together and then embed it into a normal website address?
The purpose is to allow for applications to be filled out easily in browser streamlining it for both the applicant and the manager within a webpage.
Thanks again in advance!