Hi, I want help with count down asset what I want is the count down should be in arabic numerals so is there a way I can add arabic numerals in countdown asset
Hello @zuhair,
Instead of trying to add Arabic characters to the Countdown asset, you can instead convert the displayed number in Arabic via a custom script.
In this example I have a text asset bound to the remaining seconds of the countdown and I applied a custom script converter to the binding:
This is the script that I used:
INPUT.split('').map(char => ({ '0': '٠', '1': '١', '2': '٢', '3': '٣', '4': '٤', '5': '٥', '6': '٦', '7': '٧', '8': '٨', '9': '٩' }[char] || char)).join('');
Here are the results: