Analytics Parameters not showing in dashboard

Hi, I am having an issue with the analytics dashboard not showing parameter data I have set.

My experience is populated with the use of excel and when an item is selected I have set up a trigger to log this event.

When I download the analytics data in excel format, data of the item selected is logged as expected.

However, I can not get this to show in the Analytics dashboard charts. When editing a chart, under the “Custom parameters” section, it shows “No custom parameter”.

I can see the data is logged and working correctly in the excel file downloaded Analytics Data page, how can I make this appear in the charts?


Hi @michelle

For this kind of request please can you submit a support ticket to our support team, you can use this link to submit a support ticket .

From there we will be able to assist you with this type of question.

Kind Regards


Hi @michelle,

Thanks for reporting this issue, it has been fixed by our dev team.
You can check your Analytics Charts & Dashboards again, you will see your custom parameters now.
