1 experience, different resolutions

Hello, I have two instances of the same experience both of which run in a three screen setup but once it’s running on 3 HD screens and another is running on 3 4k screens. I have the experience set for the resolution of the 4k version but this causes me issues as I am loading items to specific locations on the screens and would like to know if the following is possible, if so wondering how.

  1. can I get the overall resolution is currently running at to determine centre point of specific screens
  2. Is it possible to just say load an asset on the centre of a specific screen
  3. If none of the above is possible is there an IA to read a Txt file where I can store the resolution of the screens, appreciating that this technically means multiple experiences but with simple config changes

Hi @telfordASE,

If you create your project with a 3 x 4K resolution and run it on a 3x Full HD resolution, the experience is automatically scaled down to fit your screens. This also goes for all the parameters of a “move to” action, for example.


This doesn’t seem to work for all assets I am loading from an asset collection created from a folder. Images and websites do but videos and documents don’t

You should open a discussion on a support and share your experience with the team so they can reproduce your issue and understand what’s happening.