Problems with Asset Flow - Scroll to an item action

Before replying, I’m re-posting what I’ve done initially as it may be useful, I thought I didn’t understand your issue properly, that’s why I deleted it.

Hi Brian,

I’ve set up a small experience to achieve what you want.

The way it works:

  • an Excel file containing for each row: an index, a path to full quality image (4K) and a path to a thumbnail image (low res)
  • in the scene we have:
    • first Asset Grid displaying the thumbnails, using Excel as Data feed
    • second Asset Grid (hidden at start), also using Excel as Data feed, displaying the 4K image full screen
  • when thumbnail is tapped, we move the second Asset Grid to the index of the thumbnail and show it
  • on the full image, I’ve set up:
    • a close button that hides the Full Image Asset Grid
    • 2 invisible buttons to intercept taps on left/right part of the image in order to do Backward/Forward on both Asset Grids

It may sound complex but don’t worry, it takes 10 minutes to build considering I already had the Excel file ready.

Side-note: we have to use the index trick in the Excel file because the Asset Grid interface asset doesn’t expose his index. If you use for instance an Asset Flow or a Swap Collection, you will be able to use the two collections (Thumb and Full) indexes and bind them on to the other.

You can download the sample here:

Kind regards,
