Manipulate Email Body template for GoDIY shopping list

Hi All,

I am building a platform where customers are able to select products, in order to create an “order” of products to send to our says team for a quote.

I have been playing around with GoDIY template, and love how you are able to email the shopping list. However I am unaware as how to change the template that gets sent. For example I would like to change the logo, and also gather more information such as Customer name and email address.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @mcimino,

Did you have a look at this article that explains how the Shopping List IA works?

You’ll see how the default html template is used and how you can change it.

Thankyou for your response @Seb I have indeed looked at this article. I was after a more comprehensive guideline on how to change the template. I can see how it is used, but I am unsure where the information is stored in order to change it.

I suggest you to download the DIY Sample and look into the ShoppingCart.js file located in the project folder DIY Shopping Catalog\Files\InterfaceAssets\ShoppingCart. You’ll see how the html template is referenced and hosted on a server.

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Hi! I’ve been having the same problem trying to personalize the email template. I just changed the logo and hosted it in my server:

But, when I use the “initialize email template” in the shopping list, prior to “create email body”; the body of the email I get is not template.

Any tips?

HI @karla,

There might be an issue in the parameter you used in the “initialize email template” action.
If you still have an issue, you should start a discussion with our support team and share your project with them (xp-for-support (at)


Hello and Good day,

I had trouble with this at first and Seb and the team really helped to push me in the right direction.

If you look at the DIY paint experience and edit the Cart.js file in a program (Like notepad++) you will see it list something like this:

//This method is called to retrieve the e-mail template from IntuiLab web server.
ShoppingCart.prototype.InitTemplate = function(templateURL)
//a default URL to use if no parameter is passed to this function.
var URL=“”;

Now what I find the easiest is dont host your Template on your server or anywhere else.

Go to Dropbox and create an account and drop your template you want to use in there.

From that create a link and copy it to use in the code above.

Your link will end in a 0 (zero) but change it to 1 (so it looks like

Then copy over the new shopping cart.js to your experience and run in test it.

One question if i missed it are you doing hosted to have intuiface send the email for you?

Let me know if that worked for you or if I could help anymore.


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This worked great for me when published to windows players but for some reason the .js isn’t updating in iOS and still refers back to the original template javascript file… has anyone else had this issue / found a resolution for publishing updated .js to iOS devices?

Hey Devin,

You found the downfall. We did the same thing and everything worked great but come to find out it just doesn’t work on iOS.

Pointblank does not work, the only way for it to work is use the hosted option and have Intuiface send the email but you can still have it use your email template.

Just need to update the .js file with the web address of your email template and use the hosted option and it will look like what you want just wont send from where you want.

Hope this helps and sorry its not a full solution.
